Mansfield Mt Howitt Map Rooftop
$8.95 – $17.00
Mansfield Mt Howitt Map Rooftop
The essential map for Craig’s Hut, Mount Stirling and Sheepyard Flat.
Map coverage is from Mansfield and Lake Cobbler in the north to Jamieson, Kevington and Mount Sunday in the south. It includes Craig’s Hut, Sheepyard Flat, Mount Buller, Mount Stirling, Howqua Hills, Jamieson River, Mansfield State Forest, Alpine National Park (part), King Billy, and Macalister Springs. Scale is 1:100,000.
The reverse of the map has a 1:50,000 scale enlargement titled ‘Craig’s Hut – Sheepyard Flat Forest Activities Map’ with contours.
All parks, reserves and state forests are shown and all roads and tracks have been plotted using GPS mapping technology.
New Edition January 2013
The Rooftop Mansfield Mt Howitt Activities Map is also available Laminated, see below
ISBN 9781921886089