Fishing Atlas to South East Queensland AFN
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Fishing Atlas to South East Queensland AFN
Our southern Queensland waters envelop the city of Brisbane and the surrounding regions of the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast. The area provides a wealth of water and fishing opportunities. A feature of this lovely part of the world is that it forms the mixing zone for southern and northern species. How many major Australian cities offer a backdrop that provides top-class fishing for the likes of Spanish mackerel, longtail tuna, snapper, threadfin salmon and bass? There really is much to love about this part of our coastline.
- Title: Fishing Atlas for South East Queensland
- Author: Nigel Webster
- ISBN: 9781865133508
- Length: 230.0 millimetre
- Width: 300.0 millimetre
- Languages: English
- Format: PaperBack
- Publication Date: 31/08/2018
- Pages: 176
- ISBN 9781865133508
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