Cooktown 1-1,000,000 Topographic Map Geoscience Australia


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Cooktown 1-1,000,000 Topographic Map Geoscience Australia

1: 1 Million General Reference Topographic Map Print on Demand

This map is part of a series which comprises 50 maps which covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:1 000 000 (1cm on a map represents 10km on the ground). Each standard map covers an area of 6 degrees longitude by 4 degrees latitude or about 590 kilometres east to west and about 440 kilometres from north to south. These maps depict natural and constructed features including transport infrastructure (roads, railway airports), hydrography, contours, hypsometric and bathymetric layers, localities and some administrative boundaries, making this a useful general reference map.

Locations within this Map

Osprey Queensland Bougainville Diane Rapid Horn Bougainville Reef Sand Cay Diane Bank Great Barrier Reef Moore Reefs Osprey Reef Balsers Hut Munburra Lakefield Starcke Mount Webb Glenrock Elderslie Murdochs Battle Camp Bald Hills Louisiana Laura Streamlet Hazelmere Flaggy Redlands Durham Olive Vale Greenhills Kings Plains Harvest Home Springvale Butchers Hill Cooktown Hope Vale Wujal Wujal Lakeland Abbey Peak Ada Bank Adams Gully Alderbury Alligator Creek Alligator Point Altanmoui Range Amos Bay Mount Amos Mount Amy Andersen Reef Anderson Creek Ang-Gui Creek Annan Annan River Mount Annie Archer Point Armbrust Creek Ashwell Creek Atkinson Reef Mount Atlas Audaer Range Aylen Patch Ayton Back Creek Baird Creek Mount Baird Bairds Landing Baker Creek Bald Hill Balser Creek Balsers Knob Banana Creek Banks Barnett Hill Mount Barnett Barneys Lake Baron Reef Barramundi Creek Barrett Creek Barrons Range South Barrow Island Barrow Point Barry Creek Bathurst Bay Bathurst Head Bathurst Range Battle Camp Creek Battle Camp Range Bauer Inlet Bay Hill Beabey Hill Beanley Island Beardmore Creek Mount Beardmore Beasley Creek Beasley Lagoon Beatrice Reef Beattie Creek Beck Creek Cape Bedford Bee Reef Bella Creek Belle View Peak Beor Reef Bertha Creek Bewick Island Birthday Creek Bitwon Bizant River Black Dog Creek Black Hill Black Hut Creek Black Mountain Black Trevethan Range Blackbird Patches Blacksnake Creek Blackwater Creek Blackwood Island Bloomfield River Boggy Creek Bonner Rock Bonnyglen Mount Boolbun North Mount Boolbun South Boralga Boulder Reef Boulder Rock Cape Bowen Bowies Gap Box Lagoon Brady Creek Breeza Bremer Creek Bridge Creek Broads Lagoon Broomfield Rock Brown Peak Brown Creek Bull Creek Bullhead Bullhead Creek Bunk Creek Burmun Mount Byerley Byrne Creek Cabbage Tree Creek Cahir Cairns Reef Callaghan Creek Calmurra Camel Head Reef Camera Creek Cameron Creek Mount Cameron Camp Creek Camp Hill Cape Rock Caroline Creek Carrol Creek Carter Reef Cartwright Creek castle Peaks Casuarina Hill Catalpa Creek Cattle Creek Cedar Bay Cedar Creek Cement Creek Channel Rocks Cherry Tree Bay Chillgat Chinaman Creek Chinkey Creek Christmas Creek Christmas Day Lagoons Chulbil Creek Clack Island Clack Reef Clayhole Creek Clerk Clump Hill Coal Seam Creek Coamey Creek Cocoa Creek Coconut Island Coen Lake Cole Islands Collins Hill Combe Island Combe Point Combe Reef Cone Hill Cone Peak Conglomerate Creek Conical Rock Connors Knob Connors Knob Creek Conspicuous Peak Cook Mount Cook Mount Cookabar Cooks Passage Coomban Creek Coquet Island Coral Patch Corbett Creek Corbett Reef Corborna Cormorant Pass Cowie Point Mount Cowie Cowlishaw Reef Cowton Creech Reef Crescent Reef Crocodile Crocodile Waterhole Crompton Shoals Cruiser Passage Culumba Creek Mount Dardardle Davie Reef Davy Patches Dawson Reef Day Reef Decapolis Reef Deception Creek Deep Creek Deighton Deighton River Delingur Delingur Water Facility Delius Patch Denham Island Desert Creek Dickson Range Mount Dickson Dimby Discovery Dog Creek Doherty Swamp Dowlings Hill Draper Patch Dream Creek Eagle Island Mount Earl Earls Creek East Normanby River East Normanby River North Branch East Normanby River South Branch Edmonstone Creek Egret Reef Eight Mile Creek Mount Ellen Emily Reef Mount Emily Emla Lake Emma Mount Emma Emu Creek Endeavour Endeavour Reef Endeavour River Endeavour River North Branch Endeavour River Right Branch Endeavour River South Branch Escape Reef Escort Creek Esk River Etea Eumangin Creek Evandale Eveline Creek Evening Reef Eves Reef Expectation Creek Eye Reef Mount Eykin Eyrie Reef Mount Fahey Fairlight Fairview Fairview Water Facility Mount Fantastic Ferguson Creek Fergy Creek Fern Hill Fierce Creek Fifty Mile Creek Finch Bay Mount Finlay Finlayson Range Mount Finnigan First Three Mile Opening Fish Creek Fisherman Bend Flaggy Creek Flat Creek Flat Hill Flat Top Hill Flattery Flattery Harbour Cape Flattery Flinders Group Flinders Island Flinders Peak Flinders Rock Cape Flinders Flood Creek Fly Channel Fly Reef Forrester Reef Forsberg Point Four Mile Creek Fox Creek Frank Creek Fritz Creek Gap Creek Mount Gargaal Mount Gargalee Geoffrey Creek Mount Gibson Gill Patches Ginger Creek Glenroy Creek Gondia Goose Lagoon Gore Gorge Creek Granite Creek Granite Normanby River Grasstree Pocket Grassy Creek Grassy Hill Grave Point Green Green Hill Greenhills Creek Gresley Grey Hill Gubbins Range Gubbins Reef Gull Reef Gunga Shoal Hales Island Half Mile Opening Hamilton Mount Hammond Hampton Island Hann Hann River Hardwicke Creek Harmal Harrier Reef Hartley Creek Mount Hartley Mount Hedley Helenvale Mount Helenvale Helsdon Reef Heming Point Henderson Range Hendersons Lookout Hicks Hicks Reef High Rock Hilder Reef Hislop Creek Home Rule Home Rule Creek Home Rule Falls Hope Islands Hope Islands National Park Horan Creek Horse Creek Horseplanter Creek Horseshoe Lagoon Houghton Island Howard Bluff Howick Howick Group Howick Island Howick River Humbug Creek Hummock Creek Hummocks Idriess Creek Indian Head Ingram Island Inner Hill Intake Falls Irene Reef Isabella Creek Jaboolego Falls Jack Lakes Jack River Mount Jack Jackaroo Creek Jalungra Jane Table Hill Mount Janet Jeannette Hill Jeannie River Jessop Jessop Creek Jessop Gully Jessop Hill Jessop Range Jewell Reef Joan Reef Jones Creek Joyce Creek Jubilee Creek K Tree Gully Kalpowar Kangaroo Creek Kangkiji Beach Kavanagh Creek Keating Creek Keatings Gap Kedge Reef Kennedy Creek Kennedy River King Creek King Island Kings Plains Lake Kingsdale Knob Hill Koolburra Water Facility Kynara Lake Creek Lake Reef Lakefield National Park Lakes Creek Lakeview Lambert Creek Lark Passage Lark Reef Laura Dip Water Facility Laura River Lava Creek Le Souef Creek Lee Creek Leggatt Island Leichhardt Creek Lena Reef Mount Leswell Lewis Creek Ley Gully Lily Creek Limestone Creek Linnet Reef Little Kennedy Creek Little Kennedy River Little Laura Creek Little Laura River Little Palmer River Little Scrubby Creek Lizard Island Lizard Island National Park Lone Star Creek Long Reef Longrah Point Lookout Lookout Range Mount Louis Low Lake Low Wooded Island Luana Creek Mount Lukin Lung Island Lycopodium Creek Lyon Creek Lythe Mount Macdonald Macdonalds Hill Macgillivray Reef Mackay Reefs Maclear Maclear Island Macquarie Madame Berry Mountain Mahmie Peak Maiden Creek Mailman Creek Malcolm Patch Mango Tree Creek Marbogan Falls Markie Creek Marrett River Marshall Creek Martin Reef Marton Marton Hill Marx Reef McBride Creek Mount McCormack Mount McIntosh McIvor McIvor River Mount McLean McLeod Creek Mount McMillan McNickle Bluff Meelele Creek Megaera Reef Melanie Rock Meldrum Creek Melissa Creek Melsonby Melville Melville Passage Melville Range Cape Melville Mid Reef Middle Creek Middle Lake Middle Oaky Creek Miles Hill Miles Reef Miller Hill Mount Milman Mount Misery Mission Creek Mission Hill Moffat Creek Monkhouse Monkhouse Point Moora Creek Morehead River Morgan River Mount Morgan Morning Reef Morris Island Moses Creek Mosman Mosman River Mosquito Creek Muddy Lagoon Mount Muir Mulligan Creek Mun Gin Creek Mungumby Creek Munro Reef Murdoch Murdoch Island Murdoch Point Murray Reefs Mount Murray Myrtle Creek Nares Hill Nares Point Nevins Plain New Years Day Lagoons Newton Island Nigger Creek Ninda Ninda Creek Nineteen Mile Creek Ninian Ninian Bay Nob Point Noble Island Nolan Creek Nolan Lagoon Mount Norkwa Normanby Normanby River North Bay Point North Channel North Direction Island North Sampson Mountain North Sand Hill North Warden Reef Number Ten Patches Nymph Island O’Keefe Creek Oakey Hill Oaky Creek Obree Point Old Creek Mount Olive Olivevale Olufson Creek One And A Half Mile Opening One Mile Opening Orchid Creek Osterlund Reef Oswald Shoal Ottaway Patch Owen Channel Owen Creek Page Creek Palfrey Island Palmerville Pandanus Creek Panican Creek Mount Panielwego Papuan Passage Parke Reef Parrot Creek Parsons Creek Pasco Reef Patching Creek Pearl Reef Peirces Hill Pethebridge Islets Petricola Shoal Petty Patch Phipps Pickersgill Pickersgill Reef Mount Piebald Piemelon Creek Pine Tree Creek Pipon Islands Pipon Shoals Pirie Head Plum Creek Poison Or Three Mile Creek Police Creek Police Lagoon Pooles Lagoon Possum Creek Mount Poverty Pryde Pryde Creek Puckley Creek Pullen Point Pullen Reefs Quarantine Bay Quartz Creek Quinkan Reserve 1 Quinkan Reserve 2 Quoin Hill Racecourse Creek Ragvale Creek Rattlesnake Point Rattlesnake Channel Mount Ray Red Bluff Red Hill Red Point Redbluff Ribbon Number Eight Reef Ribbon Number Five Reef Ribbon Number Four Reef Ribbon Number Nine Reef Ribbon Number One Reef Ribbon Number Seven Reef Ribbon Number Six Reef Ribbon Number Ten Reef Ribbon Number Three Reef Ribbon Number Two Reef Roaring Meg Roaring Meg Creek Roberts Creek Rock Cod Creek Rocky Rocky Creek Rocky Island Rocky Islets Rocky Islets National Park Rocky Mountain Rocky Point Island Rodda Reef Rodgers Creek Romeo Creek Mount Romeo Rose Creek Rosser Reef Rossville Rossville Creek Round Hill Rounded Hill Royce Creek Ruby Ruby Reef Runga Running Russell Creek Ruth Creek Sachs Spit Saddle Hill Saltwater Creek Mount Sampson Samson Creek Sand Islet Sandfly Creek Sandlewood Creek Sandy Creek Saunders Mount Saunders Point Saunders Scatterbrain Creek Scrub Island Scrubby Creek Seabird Islet Mount Sellheim Sentry Rock Shark Reef Shepherd Creek Shields Sugarloaf Mount Shipton Shiptons Flat Sim Reef Mount Simon Sinclair Island Singleton Patch Six Mile Creek Slatey Creek Slaty Creek Smith Creek Snake Creek Snake Reef Solander South Island South Bay Point South Cape Bedford South Direction Island South Sister South Warden Reef Spit Island Sporing Sporing Creek Spring Creek Munburra Resources Reserve Nymph Island National Park Palmer Goldfields Resources Reserve St George Peak St George River St Pauls Hill Stainer Rock Stanley Island Stapleton Island Starcke River Startle Reefs Station Creek Stewart Shoal Stockyard Creek Stokes Bay Mount Stone Stonor Patch Stony Creek Stony Hill Straus Lagoon Strickland Reef Mount Stuckey Stuckey Creek Stuckeys Gap Mount Sumbailbe Sunday Creek Mount Surprise Surrender Creek Sussex Range Swinger Reef Switzer Reef Syphon Creek Table Top Mountain Tableland Bluff Tamulan Creek Taro Creek Tayeto Mount Taylor Temple Creek Temple Hill Ten Mile Creek The Black Gap The Brothers The Forks The Little Forks The Lookout The Twins Therrimburi Creek Thomas Point Mount Thomas Thompson Creek Three Islands Three Jins Creek Three Mile Or Poison Creek Tidal Creek Tiger Creek Mount Tolbert Top Lake Trap Creek Trevethan Creek Tribulation Tribulation Creek Mount Tully Tungin Tupia Turtle Group Turtle Group National Park Turtle Reef Twelve Mile Water Facility Twin Peaks Two Islands Two Islands National Park Two Mile Creek Two Mile Opening Tydeman Reef Ulabokal Creek Mount Unbelievable Underwood Shoal Unison Reef Waining Reef Wakooka Wakooka Creek Walch Hill Walker Bay Walker Hill Walker Point Mount Walker Walkers Creek Walkers Hill Wallaby Creek Wallace Creek Walsh Bay Ward Creek Wards Hill Watcha Waterfall Creek Watermelon Creek Waterwitch Passage Watkins Creek Watson Island Weary Bay Webb Creek Wedge Rocks Weigall Reefs Weiss Creek Welbury Welch Creek Welcome Welcome Creek West Normanby River Whalebone Beach White Sand Hill White Water Creek Wika Williams Creek Williamson Reefs Willie Creek Wilson Reef Wilson Rock Wolena Wonbunya Woobadda River Wooden Patch Woowullah Wormboo Wyalla Plain Yaamba Creek Yamba Creek Yard Creek Yarico Mount Yates Yellowwood Creek Yimpoor Yonge Reef Yorkey Range Lowry Passage Collins Creek Asmus Jansen Black Mountain National Park Bloomfield River Conservation Park Cedar Bay National Park Flinders Group National Park Howick Group National Park Keatings Lagoon Conservation Park Mount Cook National Park Mount Webb National Park Starcke National Park Three Islands National Park Rachel Carson Reef Endeavour River Resources Reserve Archer Point Conservation Park James Earl Lookout North Barrow Island Geraghty Creek Jack River National Park Cape Melville National Park Bloomfield Annan River Yuku Baja-Mulika National Park Annan River Yuku Baja-Mulika Resource Reserve Brannighan Bluff Endeavour River National Park Melsonby Gaarraay National Park Four Mile Gully Degarra Vicki Harriott Reef Hope Vale Hope Vale Shire Bloomfield Cook Shire Hope Vale Cook Shire Lizard Mosquito Point Fairway Channel The Gut North Broken Passage West Melville Pass West Melville Passage South Broken Passage Melville Pass Sea Reef Clack Islet Be Reef Pipon Island Pipon Islets Wharton Reef Dhu Reef Aid Reef North Doubleyew Reef Alderley Point Owan Channel Richards Point Hales Islet Waterwitch Channel Watch Hill Saint Pauls Hill Rocky Point Islet South Doubleyew Reef Yew Reef Monro Reef Tea Reef Stapleton Islet Barrow Islands Barrow Islets Sand Hills Abbey Peak Mission Combe Islet Coombe Island Bathurst Head Outstation Ingram Islet Coombe Reef Beanley Islet Park Reef One and a Half Mile Opening Clayhole Yards Warson Island Jeanette Hill Howick Group Island Wurkuldi Sand Island Wakooka Outstation Megaera Rock Bullock Paddock Yards Old Kalpower Wulumoi Mac Gillivray Reef En Island Alligator Yards Cormorant Passage Lizard Island Resort Covered Reef Eagle Islet Newt South Islet Balsers Knob Yard Gumhole Yards Seabird Island Kew Islands Pethebridge Islands Maxwell Reef Bizant Em Reef Ell Reef Ribbon Reef Nares Reef Starke Outstation Breeza Plains Breeza Plains Outstation Mount Gangalee Lookout Point Sand Hill Four Foot Rock White Sand Hills Twelve Mile Yards Jacks Yards Mount Numbargulme Aitch Reef Tilbrook Bank Tillbrook Bank Gee Reef Jacks Lakes Two Isles Dingo Yard Jerrys Yard Beatties Yard Echo Yard Low Wooded Isle Low Woody Island Finger Three Isles McIvor River Mission McIvor River Mission Station Lark Pass Cocoanut Island Leichhardt Yards Ef Reef Bull Pad Yard Caulders Lake New Laura Dundee Divide Caulders Yards Lake Coen Duffers Yard Caulfields Lagoon Six Mile Yard Elim Hope Valley Mission Hope Valley Mission Station Mound Stone Red Peak Boiling Springs Blackfellows Lookout Tabletop Mountain Cameron Hill Mount Rose Welcome Station Welcome Yard Dohertys Yard Brannighans Bluff Dotsmere Brixton Battle Camp Station Handersons Lookout Cape Bedford Mission Alderbury Station Wilton South Branch Endeavour River North Branch Endeavour River Laura Loo Brolga Hut Pigeon Hole Waterhole McNickle Rock Mc Nickle Bluff Poison Creek Deighton Station Saint Patrick Point Cooktown Harbour Top Deighton Yards Secret Rocket Yards Saint George Peak Slkoomla River Esk Cowilshaw Reef Fairview Out Station Osterland Reef Saint George River Outstation Annan River National Park Saint George River Jackass Scott Rock Annan River Resource Reserve Archer Hill Rocky Islet Quinkan Reserve Two Hells Gate Creek Black Gap Belle Vue Peak Leigh Creek Mine Cruiser Pass Banana Waterholes Tandewarrah Helenvale Hill Big Tableland Thomas Ruth Creek Hut Pigeon Waterhole Hut Back Hut Creek Jowelbinna Shephard Creek Papuan Pass Lorna Doone Blackburn Dam Mount Finlayson Range North Sampson Quinkan Reserve One Pandanus Spring Crocodile Yards Mount Samson Mount Finnegan Mount Findlay North Head South Branch East Normanby River North Branch East Normanby River Grass Tree Pocket Normanby Mine Stuckey Gap Lakeland Downs Honey Dam Bald Heads Mount Boolbun Lone Star Gap MacDonald Hill Cowie Hill Palmervill Palmerville Station Dawnvale Cradle Creek


Name: Cooktown
Publisher: Geoscience Australia (Australian Government)
Scale: 1:1000000
Latitude Range: 12° 0.0′ S – 16° 0.0′ S
Longitude Range: 144° 0.0′ E – 150° 0.0′ E
Projection / Datum: Lambert Conformal Conic, GDA94
Approx Print Size: 0.44m X 0.67m
Publication Date: 2013
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