Busselton 1-250,000 Topographic Map
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Capel Augusta Busselton Dunsborough Margaret River Peppermint Grove Quindalup Witchcliffe Vasse 10 Mile Brook 4 Mile Hill A-Alla Abba Jireh Abba River Abbey Abbey Farm Abbeys Abundant Life Centre Acton Park Adelaide Brook Adelaide Spring Adelphi Memorial Adina Alexandra Bridge Allan Dale Amber Farm Amber Springs Ambergate Amberley Estate Amelia Park Anembo Annie Brook Annie Brook Drain Anniebrook Anniebrook Estate Arthur and Norah Breeden Park Arumvale Arumvale Cave Arundell Ashbrook Aston Downs Augusta Hillview Golf Club Augusta Primary School Augusta River Mouth Augusta/Margaret River Baptist Church Baligah Kia Banksia Creek Ban-Y-Gloe Bardfield Barnard Park Barrack Point Basildene Baudin Bayfield Bayview Beachborough Beenup Bellview Bessie Reef Betane Stud Big Rock Big Rock Reserve Big Ti Tree Creek Big Valley Biljedup Brook Bindaree Birchfields Bird Rock Black Point Black Rock Black Snake Creek Black Stump Blackboy Hollow Cave Blackhurst Park Blackrock Blackwattle Farm Blackwood River Blue Rock Caves Blundell Blythe Reserve Boallia Boat Ramp Boathaugh Boatswain Springs Bobs Hollow Bolgamup Bolghinup Lake Bombie Bone Yards Boodjidup Boodjidup Beach Boodjidup Brook Boranup Boranup Beach Boranup Community Boranup Downs Boranup Hill Boranup Sand Patch Boronia Gully Boulder Lake Bovell Boxer Gully Braebrook Bramley Bramley Brook Brandon Breakneck Gully Brennan Bridge Brennan Reef Bride Cave Broadvale Broadwater Broadwater Golf Course Broadwater Nature Reserve Broadwater Suburban Area Broadwater Swamp Brookland Valley Brushwood Brook Bryan Ford Buayanyup River Bukari Bullrush Swamp Bunker Bay Bunyip Pool Burnside Busselton Baptist Church Busselton Golf Club Busselton Jetty Busselton Primary School Busselton Regional Airport Busselton Senior High School Busselton-Boyanup Railway Cadeby Downs Cajuput Pool Calgardup Brook Calgardup Cave Cambalup Farm Canal Rocks Candowie Cane Brake Creek Cane Break Cane Break Well Cape Clairault Cape Farm Cape Freycinet Cape Hamelin Cape Leeuwin Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse Cape Mentelle Cape Naturaliste Cape Naturaliste College Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse Capel Bridge Capel Nature Reserve Capel Primary School Capel River Captain Baudin Reserve Captain Toby Park Carbunup Bridge Carbunup Brook Carbunup River Careys Flat Carpark castle Bay Castle Point Castle Rock Cattle Chosen Caves House Charlies Place Chateau Xanadu Chelita Chapman Brook Chapman Hill Chapman Pool Charandor Chitterbin Churchill Park Civic Park Clairfontaine Cliffhangers Clover Hill Cloverdene Cloverlea Cloverlock Clovermoor Cobblestones Cockatoo Creek Cole Rock Collins Firetower Colombera Cometville Connelly Cave Conto Spring Coolilup Lakes Coolilup Pool Coonack Downs Coranderrk Cosy Corner Courtenay Coventry Cow Rock Cowaramup Cowaramup Bay Cowaramup Brook Cowaramup National Park Cowaramup Point Cowaramup Primary School Cowaramup Reef Creed Barnes Memorial Crinea Spring Crustacea Cave Crystal Cave Crystal Springs Cullens Cumberland Rock Curtis Curtis Bay Daleep Dallip Spring Dandatup Brook Dandatup Spring Daringa Darradup David Jones Reserve Dawson Gully Dawson Park Dead Finish Anchorage Dead Mare Pool Deepdene Deepdene Cave Deere Reef Devil Pool Dianella Dick Island Dingo Cave Dingville Dolugup Brook Doungup Doungup Park Dowell Park Dugalup Brook Duke Head Dunbar Dunn Bay Dunsborough and Districts Country Club Dunsborough Beach Dunsborough Lakes Resort Golf Club Dunsborough Primary School E W Moose Kingston Reserve Eagle Bay Eagle Bay Estate East Augusta East Hill East Witchcliffe Easter Cave Edith Rock Elberton Elerey Ellen Brook Ellensbrook Ellterra Elmhurst Elwood Park Emu Spring Erle Scott Reserve Evans and Tate Fairfield Fairlawn Fairview Fawna Depot Fermoy Estate Firegully Farm Fish Road Nature Reserve Fishers Spring Flinders Bay Flinders Island Ford Pool Forest Grove Forrest Beach Forrest Spring Foul Bay Four Winds Fourth Bridge Freycinet Estate Gallows Galyn Gannet Rock Gas Bay Gavin Spring Geocrinia Geographe Geographe Bay Geographe Estate Geographe Primary School Geographe Reef Georgiana Park Giants Cave Gillespie Gingilup Gingilup Swamps Gingilup Swamps Nature Reserve Gladys Hill Walkway Glen Aire Glen Albyn Glen Karri Glen View Glenalbyn Glenarty Creek Glenbourne Glendale Farm Gleneyle Glengary Glenleigh Glenluce Glenmore Estate Glenone Glenroa Glenvalley Farm Gnarabup Gnarabup Beach Gnarabup Swamp Gnarawary Gnoocardup Gnoocardup Beach Golgotha Cave Gomm Spring Grace Bussell Memorial Grace Rock Gracetown Gralyn Granny Pool Gravel Pond Green Gully Green Hill Green Valley Greenfields Greenhaven Park Groper Bay Grunters Guillotine Gull Rock Gunyulgup Gunyulgup Brook Gynudup Brook Haag Nature Reserve Haere Mia Haifordshire Fields Halcyon Hamelin Bay Hamelin Island Hamelin Island Nature Reserve Hannaby Park Happs Vineyard Hardy Inlet Hardys Bridge Harelay Harmans Hatchford Hazel Wood Heirisson Reserve Heseltine Park Higgins Bridge Higgins Cut High Glee High Jolly Highland Park Hill View Hillier Park Hills Estate Hithergreen HMAS Swan Holmwood Homestead Park Honeycomb Rocks Honeycombs Hope Valley Horseshoe Reef Houses Mill Hukochini Hunts Foxhaven Estate Hut Pool Huzzawooee Illangi Illginup Inchyra Injidup Bay Injidup Point Injidup Springs Inlet Park Innishargie Inside Rocks Ironstone Gully Isaacs Rock Island Brook Island Point Jack Ledge James Richardson Park Jangagarrup Reserve Jerusalem Hollow Jessica Jewel Cave Jilyara Jindong Jingaree Jingarmup Creek Jingarmup Swamp Joeys Nose Jonalyn Park Jr’S Homestead Julijoogalup Juniper Kabbijgup Beach Kachana Kalgaritch Kalgup Kaloorup Kardikarrigup Karendale Karoolup Estate Karridale Karridale Estate Karridale Primary School Karriview Kealy Keenan Kentucky Kenwyn Keoringle Kerida Kerriley Park Kilcarnup Kilcarnup Beach Kilcarnup Springs Kingsholme Knobby Head Kudardup Labyrinth Cave Lake Cave Lake Davies Lavinjane Layman Brook Layman Flat Layman Gully Ledge Point Leecroft Lee-Dale Leeuwin Leeuwin Estate Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park Lefthanders Lennox Lenton Brae Lesueur Reserve Lexden Liberty Stud Lime Kiln Park Limestone Quarry Park Linddabet Stud Lindross Lion Islands Lions Park Lisle Channel Litoria Swamp Little Holland Little Meelup Beach Llantrisant Locke Estate Locke Nature Reserve Lockville Lone Plain Farm Long Swamp Longlands Park Lostbiscca Lothlorien Lou Weston Oval Ludlow Ludlow Bridge Ludlow Park Ludlow River Lupine Park Lynwood Mackillop Catholic College Maidment Gardens Malbup Creek Malleea Farm Mallokup Mammoth Cave Margaret River Aerodrome Margaret River Bombora Margaret River Golf Club Margaret River Main Margaret River Montessori School Margaret River North Margaret River Pre-School Margaret River Primary School Margaret River Senior High School Marmaduke Point Marnup Marnup Park Mary Brook Mary Brook Drain Marybrook Masterman Cove Matthew Flinders Memorial Matthew Flinders Park Maureens Farm Mcbride Park Mccarlie Swamp Mcgregor Park Mcleod Creek Mcquade Park Me-Ded-Up Meekadarribee Falls Meelup Meelup Beach Meelup Brook Meelup Regional Park Meelup Spring Melaleuca Park Merrifields Metricup Miamup Brook Miamup Swamp Middle Rock Milbillo Mill Race Farm Millbrook Milyeannup Milyeannup Brook Milyeannup Ford Milyeannup Swamp Minion Park Minninup Minninup Sand Patch Minns Ledge Mirravale Mirreanda Molloy Channel Molloy Ditch Molloy Island Molloy Memorial Montoya Montrave Farm Moondyne Cave Morava Morrisons Moses Rock Moss Brothers Mosswood Mount Duckworth Mount Neverest Mount Seaview Firetower Mount Yates Mouquet Mowen Mowen Firetower Mowen River Mullgarnup Mundaringa Mungitch Park Murrays Swamp Murrumbong Museum Cave Mushroom Reef Mushroom Rock Na-Gillah Nannup Cave Nargon Naturaliste Naturaliste Downs Naturaliste Ridge New Kerry New River New River Park Newbury Park Newlands Newtown Drain Newtown House Ngamburnup Ngilgi Cave Ng-Nil-Gup Nillup Nindup Plain Nodoh Farm Noisies Noojee North Bay North Jindong North Point Nowheres Nukklgup Nuralingup Nursery Nuytsia Oakleigh Ocean Valley Oklahoma Old Karridale Old Man Rock Olive Grove Reserve O’Reilly Park Osmington Other Side of the Moon Pannikin Springs Paperbark Lake Parklands Paskeville Pea Break Peak Island Peebles Farm Peirce Bridge Pembridge Pendower Peninsula Downs Peninsula Lake Penola Pepperfields Peppermint Grove Beach Peppermint Park Peron Reserve Perry Park Pickmore Pidgeon Grove Pierro Pine Place Pioneer Memorial Plover Lake Pobblebonk Swamp Point Bussell Point Charlotte Point Daking Point Dalling Point Dalton Point Ellis Point Frederick Point Irwin Point Marchant Point Matthew Point Pedder Point Picquet Point Templar Point Trafalgar Praters Preissiana Pool Prevelly Quarry Bay Quedjinup Quejenup Quindalup Lake Quininup Quininup Beach Quininup Brook Quininup Falls Quinninup Park Quoin Rock Rabbit Hill Radford Park Radford Park Stud Rainbow Cave Ravenswood Red Gully Redgate Redman Brook Reinscourt Remnah Park Ribbon Vale Ridgefield Riedle Park Ringbolt Bay Rivendell Rivendell Vineyard River Lodge Riverbend Rivergum Place Rivermouth Rivervale Rivettsfield Robbies Reef Rockdale Rockville Rocky Grove Rocky Island Rocky Point Rocky Ridge Rolling Plains Rolyat Rosa Brook Rosa Brook Estate Rosa Glen Rosa Glen Pioneer Memorial Rosa Park Rosa Pool Rose-Dene Roseway Roslyn Rosslyn Rotary Park Ruabon Rushy Creek Rutland Gate Rye Field Park S.S. Georgette Memorial Sabina Nature Reserve Sabina River Sabina Vale Sail Rock Sam Griffiths Park Sandalford Sandy Gully Drain Santhoven Sarge Bay Schroeder Schroeder Pool Scotsman Rock Scott National Park Scott River Scott River East Scott River Station Seal Island Seaview Seine Bay Semova Settarah Park Seymour Park Shallows Shambayango Shannon Vale Shekinah Shelley Beach Shervington Park Shibden Grove Shivery Rock Siesta Park Signal Park Simmental Sir Stewart Bovell Park Skippy Rock Skittle Cave Slabby Bridge Sleepy Hollow Slippery Rock Smiths Smiths Beach Smiths Point Snake Spring Snowbridge South East Ledge South East Rocks South Park South Point South Rock South West Breaker South West Rock Southward Park Spanish Settlers Reserve Spearwood Creek Spearwood Swamp Spout Rock Spurbrook Square Rock St Alouarn Island St Alouarn Island Nature Reserve St Alouarn Islands St Josephs School St Patricks Elbow State Forest No. 12 State Forest No. 2 State Forest No. 32 State Forest No. 33 State Forest No. 56 State Forest No. 62 State Forest No. 63 Station Gully Stirling Beach Stirling Estate Stockwell Stone Haven Storm Bay Stratham Park Strathblane Sues Bridge Sues Pool Sugarloaf Rock Sugarloaf Rock Nature Reserve Sugarloaf Spring Summerfields Super Tubes Sussex Swan Lakes Tallagandra Tallyho Tanah Marah Tanridge Taunton Farm Taylor Lake Tea Lake Terrigal Terry-Lyn Stud The Berry Farm The Broadwater The Bubble The Channels The Copse The Cove The Deadwater The Docks The Farm The Farmhouse The Fishing Place The Hill The Hillocks The Lagoon The Landing The Landing Place The Long Blackboy The New Forest The Old Cave The Quarries The Rapids The Scented Garden The Spring The Springs The Whaling The Window The Womb Thomas Island Three Bears Thunder Gulla Tiger Snake Lake Tikklgup Toby Inlet Torpedo Rock Torr Shamba Trastevere Treeforis Treeton Treeton Park Tren Creek Tristania Tuart Forest National Park Tunnel Cave Turner Brook Turner Brook Farm Turner Park Turnwood Creek Tutunup Twinems Bend Upper Chapman Brook Upson Downs Vardo Vasse Estuary Vasse Felix Vasse Primary School Vasse River Vasse River Diversion Drain Veryiuca Brook Wagon Park Wahroonga Wakefield Wakenup Walburra Walburra Nature Reserve Wallcliffe Cave Wallcliffe House Walsall Walsall Brook Wardanup Hill Warner Glen Warner Glen Bridge Warralea Warrenella Warwick Glen Water Vale Waterfarm Waterhatch Wattle Brook Wayup Downs Wellington Farms West Bay West Bay Creek West Bay Stud West Busselton West Busselton Primary School Westbrook Whalers Reach Reserve Whalesback Whicher Range Whispering Pines White Cliff Point White Point Wildcat Wildcroft Wildwood Wildwood Valley Willanup Spring Willespie Willmott Park Willow Park Wiltshire-Butler National Park Wilyabrup Wilyabrup Brook Windmills Windy Downs Winjee Sam Rock Wirralee Wirring Witchcliffe Cave Wobbled Well Wongaburra Wonnerup Wonnerup Beach Wonnerup Creek Wonnerup Estuary Wonnerup House Wonnerup Inlet Woodarburrup Spring Woodlands Woodlands Brook Woodside House Woody Nook Woolston Wright Bank Wrights Wunda-Buri Reserve Wyadup Bay Wyadup Brook Wyadup Rocks Wyadup Valley Yalgardup Brook Yallingup Yallingup Beach Yallingup Brook Yallingup Mainbreak Yallingup Reef Yallingup Siding Yalyalup Yamma Yangedung Yelverton Yoongarillup Yulijoogalup Yulika Yungarra Estate Yurrigup Swamp Minninup Sandpatch Capel Brook Shelly Beach Depuch Bay Colyoolup Pool Dalling Point Bayanup River Broadwater Lake Yallingup Caves Buayanup River Yoganup Pigeon Grove OReilly Park Carbunup Yoongarilup Willyabrup Brook Margaret River Siding Augusta-Margaret River Shire JrS Homestead Freycinet Point Milyeanup Brook Borahup Hill McLeod Brook Dianella Siding Swan Lake Lake Gingilup Jacks Ledge Saint Alouarn Island Saint Alouarn Islet Saint Alouarn Islands Cape Beaufort
Name: | Busselton Special |
Publisher: | Geoscience Australia (Australian Government) |
Scale: | 1:250000 |
Latitude Range: | 33° 23.0′ S – 34° 27.0′ S |
Longitude Range: | 114° 35.0′ E – 115° 35.0′ E |
Projection / Datum: | Universal Transverse Mercator, GDA94 |
Approx Print Size: | 0.47m X 0.44m |
Publication Date: | 1-Jun-05 |